Ripped Paper Textures
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Loved by 2.675+ Creators
25 High-Resolution Textures (.JPG format) which you can use to edit your Photos, create Collages or use in your Videos.
What's inside?
- 7 Dust & Noise Textures
- 19 hand-scanned Ripped Paper Textures (6000x4000px)
- Tutorial on how to use them
How to use?
Just place the textures inside Photoshop or any other Video/Photo Editing Software and change the blend mode to "Screen" (Or play around with other blend modes). You're done!
If you are interested in my other Assets for Filmmakers, Photographers and Video Editors make sure to check out the MASTER BUNDLE which is on Sale right now here:

Ripped Paper Textures
Sale price10,00 €